Saturday, September 27, 2008

Deep Purple -- My Woman from Tokyo

Deep Purple has always been one of my many favorites when it comes to rock music. Rather than doing Smoke on the Water, which is a great song, I chose My Woman from Tokyo because I feel that there are enough versions of the other song out there.

This track is also one of those that I have always wanted to play in the cover bands that I have been in but none of them ever had it on their set list. So if the song won't come to me, I must go to the song and so, I decided to publish it on YouTube.

This video is by no means intended to be a 100% copy or anything. I am simply jamming the song and am trying to remember the fills that Ian Paice (the original drummer) makes, but that is quite difficult for an old man like me. Memory has never been my strong side so I must do the best I can.

I hope you enjoy the song as much as I do, although I am making noise along with it.

Incidentally, this video was made as a tribute to a YouTube friend named Roberto (user name is roby62gtr on YouTube). In a comment, I made on one of his clips, I promised to take my hat off for him in my next video, so that is why I take it off and say “Roberto” at the end – just in case you wonder.

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