Monday, July 28, 2008

Wedding gig in the Faroes

On Saturday, August 2, 2008 I have a gig to play in the Faroe Islands. I was wondering how to go about getting there but my beautiful band said, "no problem, we will book a ticket". I hooked up with our singer online and we booked the flight. So, now everything is set -- I am going Thursday, which will give us one day to practice. I am sure the guys are sharp as always, so unless I mess up, we will be fine.

It is a wedding, so it's probably gonna be an all-nighter. We will start playing around midnight or so and start with oldies and things. Once people get into it, we will sneak some rock'n'roll upon them and I would be surprised if they did not love it.

It's been a while since I played acoustic drums but I think I got my paradiddles down, so there should not be a problem at all. I doubt that I will need too many of those but there will be some. I have moved away from the rock a little and am getting back in to reggea and things like that. On YouTube, there are a few videos. Most of these are just songs I dig, and then play.

They are not really rehearsed or anything, so it happens that there are untight sections. Often, it becomes impossible to play real drums to recorded music because the orginal artist is not "on the money" -- It is amazing how untight most recorded music is. When you listen to it, it may not be apparent but once you load it into an application and begin working out the tempo, you see that they are all over the place.

I am not saying that I am always on time, but I have a hard time with recorded music, unless they are tight. Playing live is a lot different because at least the other guys hear that they are behind the drums and catch up (or slow down, whichever the case may be). That is not something you get with recorded music. Sometimes, I am the one that is tending to go out of time but fortunately, I have a real good bassist supporting me.

If the drummer and the bassist agree, the rest of the band has an easy job.

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